Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard
Member of Programme committee, Project leader

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
E-mail: Anna.Wienhard(at)
Telephone: +49 341 9959-50
28Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations
71Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations II
Publications within SPP2026
We introduce coordinates on the space of Lagrangian decorated and framed representations of the fundamental group of a surface with punctures into the symplectic group Sp(2n,R). These coordinates provide a non-commutative generalization of the parametrizations of the spaces of representations into SL(2,R) given by Thurston, Penner, and Fock-Goncharov. With these coordinates, the space of framed symplectic representations provides a geometric realization of the non-commutative cluster algebras introduced by Berenstein-Retakh. The locus of positive coordinates maps to the space of decorated maximal representations. We use this to determine the homotopy type of the space of decorated maximal representations, and its homeomorphism type when n=2
Related project(s):
28Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations
In this paper we investigate the Hausdorff dimension of limitsetsof Anosov representations. In this context we revisit and extend the frameworkof hyperconvex representations and establish a convergence property for them,analogue to a differentiability property. As an applicationof this convergence,we prove that the Hausdorff dimension of the limit set of a hyperconvex rep-resentation is equal to a suitably chosen critical exponent. In the appendix, incollaboration with M. Bridgeman, we extend a classical result on the Hessianof the Hausdorff dimension on purely imaginary directions.
Related project(s):
28Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations
We study Anosov representation for which the image of the bound-ary map is the graph of a Lipschitz function, and show that theorbit growthrate with respect to an explicit linear function, the unstable Jacobian, is inte-gral. Several applications to the orbit growth rate in the symmetric space areprovided.
Related project(s):
28Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations