Existence, regularity and uniqueness results of geometric variational problems (II)

The regularity of area minimising currents generated remarkable mathematics in the last century. One of the cornerstones is the proof of the partial regularity theorem for area minimising currents in higher codimension without boundary by Almgren. The question of boundary regularity is still open in higher codimensions. This project investigates possible new approaches, for example the regularity of so-called \(Q-\frac{1}{2}\) Dir-minimisers.

Another problem is about harmonic maps and their homotopy classes and, in particular, extending the approach of Luckhaus to the \(H_\omega^{1,p}\)setting.

A third problem concerns extending existence and classification results for orientable Willmore surfaces to the non-orientable case and, in particular, to prove the existence and smoothness of a Willmore minimising Klein bottle in \({\mathbb R}^3\).


    Team Members

    Prof. Dr. Jonas Hirsch
    Project leader
    Universität Leipzig

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