Welcome to SPP 2026
This is the platform of a coordinated research programme in mathematics, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It comprises 80 research projects in the fields of differential geometry, geometric topology, and global analysis. More than 80 researchers from doctoral to professorial level and based at more than 20 German and Swiss universities are represented in this programme.
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Period functions for vector-valued Maass cusp forms of real weight, with an application to Jacobi Maass cusp forms
Roelof Bruggeman, YoungJu Choie, Anke Pohl
For vector-valued Maass cusp forms for SL(2,Z) with real weight k∈R and spectral parameter s∈C, Res∈(0,1), s≢±k/2 mod 1, we propose a notion of…
Dirac eigenvalues and the hyperspherical radius
Christian Bär
For closed connected Riemannian spin manifolds an upper estimate of the smallest eigenvalue of the Dirac operator in terms of the hyperspherical…
Groups acting amenably on their Higson corona
A. Engel
We investigate groups that act amenably on their Higson corona (also known as bi-exact groups) and we provide reformulations of this in relation to…
Hereditarily just-infinite torsion groups with positive first L2-Betti number
Steffen Kionke, Eduard Schesler
We present a new method to construct finitely generated, residually finite, infinite torsion groups. In contrast to known constructions, a profinite…