Paul Creutz
Doctoral student
Universität Köln
E-mail: paul.creutz(at)
24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
We prove that any length metric space homeomorphic to a surface may be decomposed into non-overlapping convex triangles of arbitrarily small diameter. This generalizes a previous result of Alexandrov--Zalgaller for surfaces of bounded curvature.
Related project(s):
24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
We investigate the class of geodesic metric discs satisfying a uniform quadratic isoperimetric inequality and uniform bounds on the length of the boundary circle. We show that the closure of this class as a subset of Gromov-Hausdorff space is intimately related to the class of geodesic metric disc retracts satisfying comparable bounds. This kind of discs naturally come up in the context of the solution of Plateau's problem in metric spaces by Lytchak and Wenger as generalizations of minimal surfaces.
Journal | Geom. Dedicata |
Volume | 210 |
Pages | 151-164 |
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Related project(s):
24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
We find maximal representatives within equivalence classes of metric spheres. For Ahlfors regular spheres these are uniquely characterized by satisfying the seemingly unrelated notions of Sobolev-to-Lipschitz property, or volume rigidity. We also apply our construction to solutions of the Plateau problem in metric spaces and obtain a variant of the associated intrinsic disc studied by Lytchak--Wenger, which satisfies a related maximality condition.
Journal | Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations |
Volume | 59 |
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Related project(s):
24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
Assume you are given a finite configuration $\Gamma$ of disjoint rectifiable Jordan curves in $\mathbb{R}^n$. The Plateau-Douglas problem asks whether there exists a minimizer of area among all compact surfaces of genus at most $p$ which span $\Gamma$. While the solution to this problem is well-known, the classical approaches break down if one allows for singular configurations $\Gamma$ where the curves are potentially non-disjoint or self-intersecting. Our main result solves the Plateau-Douglas problem for such potentially singular configurations. Moreover, our proof works not only in $\mathbb{R}^n$ but in general proper metric spaces. Thus we are also able to extend previously known existence results of Jürgen Jost as well as of the second author together with Stefan Wenger for regular configurations. In particular, existence is new for disjoint configurations of Jordan curves in general complete Riemannian manifolds. A minimal surface of fixed genus $p$ bounding a given configuration $\Gamma$ need not always exist, even in the most regular settings. Concerning this problem, we also generalize the approach for singular configurations via minimal sequences satisfying conditions of cohesion and adhesion to the setting of metric spaces.
Related project(s):
24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
We study the structure of the branch set of solutions to Plateau's problem in metric spaces satisfying a quadratic isoperimetric inequality. In our first result, we give examples of spaces with isoperimetric constant arbitrarily close to the Euclidean isoperimetric constant $(4\pi)^{−1}$ for which solutions have large branch set. This complements recent results of Lytchak--Wenger and Stadler stating, respectively, that any space with Euclidean isoperimetric constant is a CAT(0) space and solutions to Plateau's problem in a CAT(0) space have only isolated branch points. We also show that any planar cell-like set can appear as the branch set of a solution to Plateau's problem. These results answer two questions posed by Lytchak and Wenger. Moreover, we investigate several related questions about energy-minimizing parametrizations of metric disks: when such a map is quasisymmetric, when its branch set is empty, and when it is unique up to a conformal diffeomorphism.
Related project(s):
24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
Our main result gives an improved bound on the filling areas of closed curves in Banach spaces which are not closed geodesics. As applications we show rigidity of Pu's classical systolic inequality and investigate the isoperimetric constants of normed spaces. The latter has further applications concerning the regularity of minimal surfaces in Finsler manifolds.
Related project(s):
24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
Let $X$ be a Banach space or more generally a complete metric space admitting a conical geodesic bicombing. We prove that every closed $L$-Lipschitz curve $\gamma:S^1\rightarrow X$ may be extended to an $L$-Lipschitz map defined on the hemisphere $f:H^2\rightarrow X$. This implies that $X$ satisfies a quadratic isoperimetric inequality (for curves) with constant $\frac{1}{2\pi}$. We discuss how this fact controls the regularity of minimal discs in Finsler manifolds when applied to the work of Alexander Lytchak and Stefan Wenger.
Journal | Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. |
Volume | 373 |
Pages | 1577-1596 |
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Related project(s):
24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
We give a solution of Plateau's problem for singular curves possibly having self-intersections. The proof is based on the solution of Plateau's problem for Jordan curves in very general metric spaces by Alexander Lytchak and Stefan Wenger and hence works also in a quite general setting. However the main result of this paper seems to be new even in $\mathbb{R}^n$.
Journal | Comm. Anal. Geom. |
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Related project(s):
24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces