Prof. Dr. Linus Kramer
Project leader

WWU Münster
E-mail: linus.kramer(at)
Telephone: +49 251 83 33 720
20Compactifications and Local-to-Global Structure for Bruhat-Tits Buildings
62A unified approach to Euclidean buildings and symmetric spaces of noncompact type
Publications within SPP2026
In this work we describe horofunction compactifications of metric spaces and finite dimensional real vector spaces through asymmetric metrics and asymmetric polyhedral norms by means of nonstandard methods, that is, ultrapowers of the spaces at hand. The compactifications of the vector spaces carry the structure of stratified spaces with the strata indexed by dual faces of the polyhedral unit ball. Explicit neighborhood bases and descriptions of the horofunctions are provided.
Related project(s):
20Compactifications and Local-to-Global Structure for Bruhat-Tits Buildings