Prof. Dr. Matthias Keller
Project leader

Universität Potsdam
E-mail: mkeller(at)
Telephone: +49 331 977-2259
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
59Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces
Publications within SPP2026
We study harmonic functions for general Dirichlet forms. First we review consequences of Fukushima’s ergodic theorem for the harmonic functions in the domain of the Lp generator. Secondly we prove analogues of Yau’s and Karp’s Liouville theorems for weakly harmonic functions. Both say that weakly harmonic functions which satisfy certain growth criteria must be constant. As consequence we give an integral criterion for recurrence.
Publisher | Springer |
Book | Dirichlet Forms and Related Topics |
Volume | IWDFRT 2022 |
Pages | 201–221 |
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Related project(s):
59Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces
The present book deals with the spectral geometry of infinite graphs. This topic involves the interplay of three different subjects: geometry, the spectral theory of Laplacians and the heat flow of the underlying graph. These three subjects are brought together under the unifying perspective of Dirichlet forms. The spectral geometry of manifolds is a well-established field of mathematics. On manifolds, the focus is on how Riemannian geometry, the spectral theory of the Laplace–Beltrami operator, Brownian motion and heat evolution interact. In the last twenty years large parts of this theory have been subsumed within the framework of strongly local Dirichlet forms. Indeed, this point of view has proven extremely fruitful.
Publisher | Springer |
Book | Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften |
Volume | 358 |
Pages | 668 |
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Related project(s):
59Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces
We study planar graphs with large negative curvature outside of a finite set and the spectral theory of Schrödinger operators on these graphs. We obtain estimates on the first and second order term of the eigenvalue asymptotics. Moreover, we prove a unique continuation result for eigenfunctions and decay properties of general eigenfunctions. The proofs rely on a detailed analysis of the geometry which employs a Copy-and-Paste procedure based on the Gauß-Bonnet theorem.
Related project(s):
59Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces
In this article we prove upper bounds for the k-th Laplace eigenvalues below the essential spectrum for strictly negatively curved Cartan–Hadamard manifolds. Our bound is given in terms of k^2 and specific geometric data of the manifold. This applies also to the particular case of non‐compact manifolds whose sectional curvature tends to minus infinity, where no essential spectrum is present due to a theorem of Donnelly/Li. The result stands in clear contrast to Laplacians on graphs where such a bound fails to be true in general.
Journal | Mathematische Nachrichten |
Publisher | Wiley |
Volume | 294 |
Pages | 1134-1139 |
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Related project(s):
59Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces
We describe the set of all Dirichlet forms associated to a given infinite graph in terms of Dirichlet forms on its Royden boundary. Our approach is purely analytical and uses form methods.
Journal | Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. (9) |
Volume | 126 |
Pages | 109--143 |
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Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
In this note we study the eigenvalue growth of infinite graphs with discrete spectrum. We assume that the corresponding Dirichlet forms satisfy certain Sobolev-type inequalities and that the total measure is finite. In this sense, the associated operators on these graphs display similarities to elliptic operators on bounded domains in the continuum. Specifically, we prove lower bounds on the eigenvalue growth and show by examples that corresponding upper bounds can not be established.
Journal | to appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society |
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Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
In this note we prove an optimal volume growth condition for stochastic completeness of graphs under very mild assumptions. This is realized by proving a uniqueness class criterion for the heat equation which is an analogue to a corresponding result of Grigor'yan on manifolds. This uniqueness class criterion is shown to hold for graphs that we call globally local, i.e., graphs where we control the jump size far outside. The transfer from general graphs to globally local graphs is then carried out via so called refinements.
Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
Given two weighted graphs $(X,b_k,m_k)$, $k=1,2$ with $b_1\sim b_2$ and $m_1\sim m_2$, we prove a weighted $L^1$-criterion for the existence and completeness of the wave operators $W_{\pm}(H_{2},H_1, I_{1,2})$, where $H_k$ denotes the natural Laplacian in $\ell^2(X,m_k)$ w.r.t. $(X,b_k,m_k)$ and $I_{1,2}$ the trivial identification of $\ell^2(X,m_1)$ with $\ell^2(X,m_2)$. In particular, this entails a general criterion for the absolutely continuous spectra of $H_1$ and $H_2$ to be equal.
Journal | Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. |
Pages | 21-28 |
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Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
We introduce a notion of nodal domains for positivity preserving forms. This notion generalizes the classical ones for Laplacians on domains and on graphs. We prove the Courant nodal domain theorem in this generalized setting using purely analytical methods.
Journal | to appear in Journal of Spectral Theory |
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Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
We study magnetic Schrödinger operators on graphs. We extend the notion of sparseness of graphs by including a magnetic quantity called the frustration index. This notion of magnetic sparse turn out to be equivalent to the fact that the form domain is an \(\ell^2\) space. As a consequence, we get criteria of discreteness for the spectrum and eigenvalue asymptotics.
Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
We study the Kazdan-Warner equation on canonically compactifiable graphs. These graphs are distinguished as analytic properties of Laplacians on these graphs carry a strong resemblance to Laplacians on open pre-compact manifolds.
Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces