to 04/10/2024
Autumn School From T-duality via K-theory to Representation Theory


We are glad to announce the upcoming Autumn School "From T-duality via
K-theory to Representation Theory" taking place in Göttingen, September
30th - October 4th.

The aim of the Autumn School is to bring together young researchers with
experts in the research areas of T-duality, K-theory, representation theory
and their interplay. The school consists of four mini-courses leading
towards a broad understanding of the topic from different perspectives.

Mini-Courses speakers:

- Francesca Arici (Leiden)
  *C*-algebras and (K)K-theory in solid-state physics*

*- *Marco Gualtieri (Toronto)
  *Groupoids, Gerbes and Generalized Kähler geometry*

*- *Nigel Higson (Penn State)
  *C*-algebra K-theory and Tempered Representation theory*

- Konrad Waldorf (Greifswald)
  *The higher geometry of T-duality*

Please find more information in the website of the School:

Financial support is available for a limited number of young participants.
The deadline for requesting financial support is the July 15th.

We hope seeing many of you in Göttingen!

The organizing committee,
Miquel Cueca
Ilias Ermeidis
Christos Kitsios
Thomas Schick


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