
Publications of SPP2026

On this site you find preprints and publications produced within the projects and with the support of the DFG priority programme „Geometry at Infinity“.

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  • all projects
  • 01Hitchin components for orbifolds
  • 02Asymptotic geometry of sofic groups and manifolds
  • 03Geometric operators on a class of manifolds with bounded geometry
  • 04Secondary invariants for foliations
  • 05Index theory on Lorentzian manifolds
  • 06Spectral Analysis of Sub-Riemannian Structures
  • 07Asymptotic geometry of moduli spaces of curves
  • 08Parabolics and invariants
  • 09Diffeomorphisms and the topology of positive scalar curvature
  • 10Duality and the coarse assembly map
  • 11Topological and equivariant rigidity in the presence of lower curvature bounds
  • 12Anosov representations and Margulis spacetimes
  • 13Analysis on spaces with fibred cusps
  • 14Boundaries of acylindrically hyperbolic groups and applications
  • 15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds
  • 16Minimizer of the Willmore energy with prescribed rectangular conformal class
  • 17Existence, regularity and uniqueness results of geometric variational problems
  • 18Analytic L2-invariants of non-positively curved spaces
  • 19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
  • 20Compactifications and Local-to-Global Structure for Bruhat-Tits Buildings
  • 21Stability and instability of Einstein manifolds with prescribed asymptotic geometry
  • 22Willmore functional and Lagrangian surfaces
  • 23Spectral geometry, index theory and geometric flows on singular spaces
  • 24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
  • 25The Willmore energy of degenerating surfaces and singularities of geometric flows
  • 26Projective surfaces, Segre structures and the Hitchin component for PSL(n,R)
  • 27Invariants and boundaries of spaces
  • 28Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations
  • 29Curvature flows without singularities
  • 30Nonlinear evolution equations on singular manifolds
  • 31Solutions to Ricci flow whose scalar curvature is bounded in Lp.
  • 32Asymptotic geometry of the Higgs bundle moduli space
  • 33Gerbes in renormalization and quantization of infinite-dimensional moduli spaces
  • 34Asymptotic geometry of sofic groups and manifolds II
  • 35Geometric operators on singular domains
  • 36Cohomogeneity, curvature, cohomology
  • 37Boundary value problems and index theory on Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds
  • 38Geometry of surface homeomorphism groups
  • 39Geometric invariants of discrete and locally compact groups
  • 40Construction of Riemannian manifolds with scalar curvature constraints and applications to general relativity
  • 41Geometrically defined asymptotic coordinates in general relativity
  • 42Spin obstructions to metrics of positive scalar curvature on nonspin manifolds
  • 43Singular Riemannian foliations and collapse
  • 44Actions of mapping class groups and their subgroups
  • 45Macroscopic invariants of manifolds
  • 46Ricci flows for non-smooth spaces, monotonic quantities, and rigidity
  • 47Self-adjointness of Laplace and Dirac operators on Lorentzian manifolds foliated by noncompact hypersurfaces
  • 48Profinite and RFRS groups
  • 49Analysis on spaces with fibred cusps II
  • 50Probabilistic and spectral properties of weighted Riemannian manifolds with Kato bounded Bakry-Emery-Ricci curvature
  • 51The geometry of locally symmetric manifolds via natural maps
  • 52Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds II
  • 53Gauge-theoretic methods in the geometry of G2-manifolds
  • 54Cohomology of symmetric spaces as seen from infinity
  • 55New hyperkähler spaces from the the self-duality equations
  • 56Large genus limit of energy minimizing compact minimal surfaces in the 3-sphere
  • 57Existence, regularity and uniqueness results of geometric variational problems II
  • 58Profinite perspectives on l2-cohomology
  • 59Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces
  • 60Property (T)
  • 61At infinity of symmetric spaces
  • 62A unified approach to Euclidean buildings and symmetric spaces of noncompact type
  • 63Uniqueness in mean curvature flow
  • 64Spectral geometry, index theory and geometric flows on singular spaces II
  • 65Resonances for non-compact locally symmetric spaces
  • 66Minimal surfaces in metric spaces II
  • 67Asymptotics of singularities and deformations
  • 68Minimal Lagrangian connections and related structures
  • 69Wall-crossing and hyperkähler geometry of moduli spaces
  • 70Spectral theory with non-unitary twists
  • 71Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations II
  • 72Limits of invariants of translation surfaces
  • 73Geometric Chern characters in p-adic equivariant K-theory
  • 74Rigidity, stability and deformations in nearly parallel G2-geometry
  • 75Solutions to Ricci flow whose scalar curvature is bounded in L^p II
  • 76Singularities of the Lagrangian mean curvature flow
  • 77Asymptotic geometry of the Higgs bundle moduli space II
  • 78Duality and the coarse assembly map II
  • 79Alexandrov geometry in the light of symmetry and topology
  • 80Nonlocal boundary problems: Index theory and semiclassical asymptotics

In this article, a six-parameter family of highly connected 7-manifolds which admit an SO(3)-invariant metric of non-negative sectional curvature is constructed and the Eells-Kuiper invariant of each is computed. In particular, it follows that all exotic spheres in dimension 7 admit an SO(3)-invariant metric of non-negative curvature.


Related project(s):
4Secondary invariants for foliations11Topological and equivariant rigidity in the presence of lower curvature bounds

We decompose locally in time maximal \(L^{q}\)-regular solutions of abstract quasilinear parabolic equations as a sum of a smooth term and an arbitrary small−with respect to the maximal \(L^{q}\)-regularity space norm−remainder. In view of this observation, we next consider the porous medium equation and the Swift-Hohenberg equation on manifolds with conical singularities. We write locally in time each solution as a sum of three terms, namely a term that near the singularity is expressed as a linear combination of complex powers and logarithmic integer powers of the singular variable, a term that decays to zero close to the singularity faster than each of the non-constant summands of the previous term and a remainder that can be chosen arbitrary small with respect e.g. to the \(C^{0}\)-norm. The powers in the first term are time independent and determined explicitly by the local geometry around the singularity, e.g. by the spectrum of the boundary Laplacian in the situation of straight conical tips. The case of the above two problems on closed manifolds is also considered and local space asymptotics for the solutions are provided.


Related project(s):
30Nonlinear evolution equations on singular manifolds

We study spaces and moduli spaces of Riemannian metrics with non-negative Ricci or non-negative sectional curvature on closed and open manifolds and construct, in particular, the first classes of manifolds for which these spaces have non-trivial rational homotopy, homology and cohomology groups. We also show that in every dimension at least seven (respectively, at least eight) there exist closed (respectively, open) manifolds for which the moduli space of Riemannian metrics with non-negative sectional curvature has infinitely many path components. An analogous statement holds for spaces of non-negative Ricci curvature metrics in every dimension at least eleven (respectively, twelve).


Related project(s):
15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds

Let M be a Milnor sphere or, more generally, the total space of a linear S^3-bundle over S^4 with H^4(M;Q) = 0. We show that the moduli space of metrics of nonnegative sectional curvature on M has infinitely many path components. The same holds true for the moduli space of m etrics of positive Ricci curvature on M.


Journalpreprint arXiv
Pages11 pages
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Related project(s):
15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds

We study immersed tori in 3-space minimizing the Willmore energy in their respective conformal class. Within the rectangular conformal classes (0,b) with $b\rightarrow 1$ the homogenous tori are known to be unique constrained Willmore minimizers (up to invariance). In this paper we generalize the result and determine constrained Willmore minimizers in non-rectangular conformal classes (a,b). In a first step we explicitly construct a 2-dimensional family of putative minimizers parametrized by their conformal class (a,b). For $b\rightarrow 1$, b≠1 fixed, this family is then shown to minimize for $a\rightarrow 0^+$. Difficulties arise from the fact that these minimizers are non-degenerate for a≠0 but smoothly converge to the degenerate homogenous tori as a→0. As a byproduct of our arguments, we show that the minimal Willmore energy ω(a,b) is real analytic and concave in a∈(0, a^b) for some b>0 and fixed $b \rightarrow 1$, 


Related project(s):
16Minimizer of the Willmore energy with prescribed rectangular conformal class

We consider rough metrics on smooth manifolds and corresponding Laplacians induced by such metrics. We demonstrate that globally continuous heat kernels exist and are H\"older continuous locally in space and time. This is done via local parabolic Harnack estimates for weak solutions of operators in divergence form with bounded measurable coefficients in weighted Sobolev spaces.


Related project(s):
5Index theory on Lorentzian manifolds

In this paper we prove that any smooth surfaces can be locally isometrically embedded into as Lagrangian surfaces. As a byproduct we obtain that any smooth surfaces are Hessian surfaces.


JournalAnnales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis
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Related project(s):
22Willmore functional and Lagrangian surfaces

We prove that if an ALE Ricci-flat manifold (M,g) is linearly stable and integrable, it is dynamically stable under Ricci flow, i.e. any Ricci flow starting close to g exists for all time and converges modulo diffeomorphism to an ALE Ricci-flat metric close to g. By adapting Tian's approach in the closed case, we show that integrability holds for ALE Calabi-Yau manifolds which implies that they are dynamically stable.


Related project(s):
21Stability and instability of Einstein manifolds with prescribed asymptotic geometry

We prove a gluing theorem for solutions \((A_0, \Phi_0)\)  of Hitchin's self-duality equations with logarithmic singularities on a rank-\(2\) vector bundle over a noded Riemann surface \( \Sigma\) representing a boundary point of Teichmüller moduli space. We show that every nearby smooth Riemann surface \( \Sigma_1\) carries a smooth solution \((A_1, \Phi_1)\) of the self-duality equations, which may be viewed as a desingularization of \((A_0, \Phi_0)\).

JournalAdv. Math.
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Related project(s):
32Asymptotic geometry of the Higgs bundle moduli space

We prove that the Teichmüller space of negatively curved metrics on a hyperbolic manifold M has nontrivial i-th rational homotopy groups for some i > dim M. Moreover, some elements of infinite order in the i-th homotopy group of BDiff(M) can be represented by bundles over a sphere with fiberwise negatively curved metrics.


Related project(s):
15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds

We use classical results in smoothing theory to extract information about the rational homotopy groups of the space of negatively curved metrics on a high dimensional manifold. It is also shown that smooth M-bundles over spheres equipped with fiberwise negatively curved metrics, represent elements of finite order in the homotopy groups of the classifying space for smooth M-bundles, provided the dimension of M is large enough.


Related project(s):
15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds

We investigate a quantization problem which asks for the construction of an algebra for relative elliptic problems of pseudodifferential type associated to smooth embeddings. Specifically, we study the problem for embeddings in the category of compact manifolds with corners. The construction of a calculus for elliptic problems is achieved using the theory of Fourier integral operators on Lie groupoids. We show that our calculus is closed under composition and furnishes a so-called noncommutative completion of the given embedding. A representation of the algebra is defined and the continuity of the operators in the algebra on suitable Sobolev spaces is established.



Related project(s):
3Geometric operators on a class of manifolds with bounded geometry

The canonical map from the \(\mathbb{Z}/2\)-equivariant Lazard ring to the \(\mathbb{Z}/2\)-equivariant complex bordism ring is an isomorphism. 


Related project(s):
15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds

We study the Kazdan-Warner equation on canonically compactifiable graphs. These graphs are distinguished as analytic properties of Laplacians on these graphs carry a strong resemblance to Laplacians on open pre-compact manifolds.


Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces

We prove that the Atiyah-Singer Dirac operator ${\mathrm D}_{\mathrm g}$ in ${\mathrm L}^2$ depends Riesz continuously on ${\mathrm L}^{\infty}$ perturbations of complete metrics ${\mathrm g}$ on a smooth manifold. The Lipschitz bound for the map ${\mathrm g} \to {\mathrm D}_{\mathrm g}(1 + {\mathrm D}_{\mathrm g}^2)^{-\frac{1}{2}}$ depends on bounds on Ricci curvature and its first derivatives as well as a lower bound on injectivity radius. Our proof uses harmonic analysis techniques related to Calder\'on's first commutator and the Kato square root problem. We also show perturbation results for more general functions of general Dirac-type operators on vector bundles.


Related project(s):
5Index theory on Lorentzian manifolds

In this note we study some analytic properties of the linearized self-duality equations on a family of smooth Riemann surfaces \( \Sigma_R\) converging for \(R\searrow 0\) to a surface \( \Sigma_0\) with a finite number of nodes. It is shown that the linearization along the fibres of the Hitchin fibration \(\mathcal M_d \to \Sigma_R\) gives rise to a graph-continuous Fredholm family, the index of it being stable when passing to the limit. We also report on similarities and differences between properties of the Hitchin fibration in this degeneration and in the limit of large Higgs fields as studied in Mazzeo et al. (Duke Math. J. 165(12):2227–2271, 2016).


JournalAbh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg.
PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
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Related project(s):
32Asymptotic geometry of the Higgs bundle moduli space

We discuss the chiral anomaly for a Weyl field in a curved background and show that a novel index theorem for the Lorentzian Dirac operator can be applied to describe the gravitational chiral anomaly. A formula for the total charge generated by the gravitational and gauge field background is derived in a mathematically rigorous manner. It contains a term identical to the integrand in the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and another term involving the η-invariant of the Cauchy hypersurfaces.


JournalCommun. Math. Phys.
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Related project(s):
5Index theory on Lorentzian manifolds

We associate to each stable Higgs pair \((A_0,\Phi_0)\) on a compact Riemann surface X a singular limiting configuration \((A_\infty,\Phi_\infty)\), assuming that \(\det\Phi\) has only simple zeroes. We then prove a desingularization theorem by constructing a family of solutions \((A_t,\Phi_t) \) to Hitchin's equations which converge to this limiting configuration as \(t\to\infty\). This provides a new proof, via gluing methods, for elements in the ends of the Higgs bundle moduli space and identifies a dense open subset of the boundary of the compactification of this moduli space.  


JournalDuke Math. J.
PublisherDuke University Press
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Related project(s):
32Asymptotic geometry of the Higgs bundle moduli space

An upper bound is obtained on the rank of a torus which can act smoothly and effectively on a smooth, closed, simply connected, rationally elliptic manifold. In the maximal-rank case, the manifolds admitting such actions are classified up to equivariant rational homotopy type.


Related project(s):
11Topological and equivariant rigidity in the presence of lower curvature bounds

We present a new technique that employs partial differential equations in order to explicitly construct primitives in the continuous bounded cohomology of Lie groups. As an application, we prove a vanishing theorem for the continuous bounded cohomology of SL(2,R) in degree 4, establishing a special case of a conjecture of Monod.


JournalGeometry & Topology
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Related project(s):
27Invariants and boundaries of spaces

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