
Postdoc position in Hannover

The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and the Institute of Differential Geometry invites applications for the position of a Research Assistant (Postdoc, m/f/d) in Differential Geometry (Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 100 %) starting on 1st April 2022. The position is limited to 3 years and offers the opportunity to pursue a habilitation.

Responsibilities and duties

For this position, responsibilities and duties include contribution to the teaching of the faculty in the field of mathematics (4 hours per week), research on topics of the Institute of Differential Geometry and support with the institute tasks.

Employment conditions

To qualify for the position, applicants should hold a university science degree and a Ph.D. in mathematics. Very good research results and an excellent research program in the field of Differential Geometry with connections to research interests of the members of the Institute are expected.

The deadline for applications is 16 January 2022.

For further information please click here.


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