We are currently advertising several PhD positions at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) as part of the Research Training Group "Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces" (RTG 2229). The start date is 1 October 2023 and the application deadline is 22 June 2023.
The research interests of the members of the RTG span a broad range of topics in Geometry and Topology, including many areas of Geometric Group Theory. More details on the position and the application procedure can be found here: RTG 2229 • Groups and SpacesOpen Positions (kit.edu). We would be grateful if you would pass this advert on to anyone who you think might be interested.
If you have any questions regarding the position or the application procedure, please feel free to contact Prof. Dr. Sauer at KIT Karlsruhe or to write directly to the RTG Email address info(at)groups-and-spaces.kit.edu.
Ph.D. positions in Karlsruhe
Ph.D. positions in Karlsruhe