to 01/04/2022
Geometry and Analysis on Non-Compact Manifolds


This conference will bring together researchers in Differential Geometry, in Geometric Analysis, and in their applications. The general focus of the conference will be on recent results on manifolds with bounded geometry, on singular stratified spaces and on the geometry and analysis on these spaces. More concretely, we will invite researchers from several areas, including: complete manifolds with special holonomy and their moduli spaces, stratified spaces, index theory on Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds, spectral theory of geometric differential operators, relations between geometric analysis and conformal geometry, such as the Yamabe problem on singular and non-compact spaces and generalizations thereof. We envision that the interactions between the participants in this Conference will lead to applications to limits and collapse of manifolds with curvature bounds, moduli spaces, general relativity, the wave equation on curved spacetimes, as well as to singular partial differential equations in general. One of the conference's main goals will be to foster interactions between these various areas of mathematics.

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