
Publications of SPP2026

On this site you find preprints and publications produced within the projects and with the support of the DFG priority programme „Geometry at Infinity“.

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  • all projects
  • 01Hitchin components for orbifolds
  • 02Asymptotic geometry of sofic groups and manifolds
  • 03Geometric operators on a class of manifolds with bounded geometry
  • 04Secondary invariants for foliations
  • 05Index theory on Lorentzian manifolds
  • 06Spectral Analysis of Sub-Riemannian Structures
  • 07Asymptotic geometry of moduli spaces of curves
  • 08Parabolics and invariants
  • 09Diffeomorphisms and the topology of positive scalar curvature
  • 10Duality and the coarse assembly map
  • 11Topological and equivariant rigidity in the presence of lower curvature bounds
  • 12Anosov representations and Margulis spacetimes
  • 13Analysis on spaces with fibred cusps
  • 14Boundaries of acylindrically hyperbolic groups and applications
  • 15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds
  • 16Minimizer of the Willmore energy with prescribed rectangular conformal class
  • 17Existence, regularity and uniqueness results of geometric variational problems
  • 18Analytic L2-invariants of non-positively curved spaces
  • 19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces
  • 20Compactifications and Local-to-Global Structure for Bruhat-Tits Buildings
  • 21Stability and instability of Einstein manifolds with prescribed asymptotic geometry
  • 22Willmore functional and Lagrangian surfaces
  • 23Spectral geometry, index theory and geometric flows on singular spaces
  • 24Minimal surfaces in metric spaces
  • 25The Willmore energy of degenerating surfaces and singularities of geometric flows
  • 26Projective surfaces, Segre structures and the Hitchin component for PSL(n,R)
  • 27Invariants and boundaries of spaces
  • 28Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations
  • 29Curvature flows without singularities
  • 30Nonlinear evolution equations on singular manifolds
  • 31Solutions to Ricci flow whose scalar curvature is bounded in Lp.
  • 32Asymptotic geometry of the Higgs bundle moduli space
  • 33Gerbes in renormalization and quantization of infinite-dimensional moduli spaces
  • 34Asymptotic geometry of sofic groups and manifolds II
  • 35Geometric operators on singular domains
  • 36Cohomogeneity, curvature, cohomology
  • 37Boundary value problems and index theory on Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds
  • 38Geometry of surface homeomorphism groups
  • 39Geometric invariants of discrete and locally compact groups
  • 40Construction of Riemannian manifolds with scalar curvature constraints and applications to general relativity
  • 41Geometrically defined asymptotic coordinates in general relativity
  • 42Spin obstructions to metrics of positive scalar curvature on nonspin manifolds
  • 43Singular Riemannian foliations and collapse
  • 44Actions of mapping class groups and their subgroups
  • 45Macroscopic invariants of manifolds
  • 46Ricci flows for non-smooth spaces, monotonic quantities, and rigidity
  • 47Self-adjointness of Laplace and Dirac operators on Lorentzian manifolds foliated by noncompact hypersurfaces
  • 48Profinite and RFRS groups
  • 49Analysis on spaces with fibred cusps II
  • 50Probabilistic and spectral properties of weighted Riemannian manifolds with Kato bounded Bakry-Emery-Ricci curvature
  • 51The geometry of locally symmetric manifolds via natural maps
  • 52Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds II
  • 53Gauge-theoretic methods in the geometry of G2-manifolds
  • 54Cohomology of symmetric spaces as seen from infinity
  • 55New hyperkähler spaces from the the self-duality equations
  • 56Large genus limit of energy minimizing compact minimal surfaces in the 3-sphere
  • 57Existence, regularity and uniqueness results of geometric variational problems II
  • 58Profinite perspectives on l2-cohomology
  • 59Laplacians, metrics and boundaries of simplicial complexes and Dirichlet spaces
  • 60Property (T)
  • 61At infinity of symmetric spaces
  • 62A unified approach to Euclidean buildings and symmetric spaces of noncompact type
  • 63Uniqueness in mean curvature flow
  • 64Spectral geometry, index theory and geometric flows on singular spaces II
  • 65Resonances for non-compact locally symmetric spaces
  • 66Minimal surfaces in metric spaces II
  • 67Asymptotics of singularities and deformations
  • 68Minimal Lagrangian connections and related structures
  • 69Wall-crossing and hyperkähler geometry of moduli spaces
  • 70Spectral theory with non-unitary twists
  • 71Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations II
  • 72Limits of invariants of translation surfaces
  • 73Geometric Chern characters in p-adic equivariant K-theory
  • 74Rigidity, stability and deformations in nearly parallel G2-geometry
  • 75Solutions to Ricci flow whose scalar curvature is bounded in L^p II
  • 76Singularities of the Lagrangian mean curvature flow
  • 77Asymptotic geometry of the Higgs bundle moduli space II
  • 78Duality and the coarse assembly map II
  • 79Alexandrov geometry in the light of symmetry and topology
  • 80Nonlocal boundary problems: Index theory and semiclassical asymptotics

We discuss a method to construct Dirac-harmonic maps developed by J. Jost, X. Mo and M. Zhu. The method uses harmonic spinors and twistor spinors, and mainly applies to Dirac-harmonic maps of codimension 1 with target spaces of constant sectional curvature. Before the present article, it remained unclear when the conditions of the theorems in the publication by Jost, Mo and Zhu were fulfilled. We show that for isometric immersions into spaceforms, these conditions are fulfilled only under special assumptions. In several cases we show the existence of solutions.


Related project(s):
3Geometric operators on a class of manifolds with bounded geometry

We show that an enlargeable Riemannian metric on a (possibly nonspin) manifold cannot have uniformly positive scalar curvature. This extends a well-known result of Gromov and Lawson to the nonspin setting. We also prove that every noncompact manifold admits a nonenlargeable metric. In proving the first result, we use the main result of the recent paper by Schoen and Yau on minimal hypersurfaces to obstruct positive scalar curvature in arbitrary dimensions. More concretely, we use this to study nonzero degree maps f from a manifold X to the product of the k-sphere with the n-k dimensional torus, with k=1,2,3. When X is a closed oriented manifold endowed with a metric g of positive scalar curvature and the map f is (possibly area) contracting, we prove inequalities relating the lower bound of the scalar curvature of g and the contracting factor of the map f.


Related project(s):
9Diffeomorphisms and the topology of positive scalar curvature

In this paper we prove a strengthening of a theorem of Chang, Weinberger and Yu on obstructions to the existence of positive scalar curvature metrics on compact manifolds with boundary. They construct a relative index for the Dirac operator, which lives in a relative K-theory group, measuring the difference between the fundamental group of the boundary and of the full manifold. Whenever the Riemannian metric has product structure and positive scalar curvature near the boundary, one can define an absolute index of the Dirac operator taking value in the K-theory of the C*-algebra of fundamental group of the full manifold. This index depends on the metric near the boundary. We prove that the relative index of Chang, Weinberger and Yu is the image of this absolute index under the canonical map of K-theory groups. This has the immediate corollary that positive scalar curvature on the whole manifold implies vanishing of the relative index, giving a conceptual and direct proof of the vanishing theorem of Chang, Weinberger, and Yu. To take the fundamental groups of the manifold and its boundary into account requires working with maximal C* completions of the involved *-algebras. A significant part of this paper is devoted to foundational results regarding these completions.


Related project(s):
9Diffeomorphisms and the topology of positive scalar curvature

In this note we study the eigenvalue growth of infinite graphs with discrete spectrum. We assume that the corresponding Dirichlet forms satisfy certain Sobolev-type inequalities and that the total measure is finite. In this sense, the associated operators on these graphs display similarities to elliptic operators on bounded domains in the continuum. Specifically, we prove lower bounds on the eigenvalue growth and show by examples that corresponding upper bounds can not be established.


Journalto appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Link to preprint version

Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces

In this note we prove an optimal volume growth condition for stochastic completeness of graphs under very mild assumptions. This is realized by proving a uniqueness class criterion for the heat equation which is an analogue to a corresponding result of Grigor'yan on manifolds. This uniqueness class criterion is shown to hold for graphs that we call globally local, i.e., graphs where we control the jump size far outside. The transfer from general graphs to globally local graphs is then carried out via so called refinements.


Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces

In this expository paper we answer two fundamental questions concerning discrete magnetic Schrödinger operator associated with weighted graphs. We discuss when formal expressions of such operators give rise to self-adjoint operators, i.e., when they have self-adjoint restrictions. If such self-adjoint restrictions exist, we explore when they are unique.


Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces

We study pairs of Dirichlet forms  related by an intertwining order

isomorphisms between the associated \(L^2\)-spaces. We consider the

measurable, the topological and the geometric setting respectively.

In the measurable setting, we  deal with arbitrary (irreducible)

Dirichlet forms and show that any intertwining order isomorphism is

necessarily unitary (up to a constant). In the topological setting

we deal with quasi-regular forms and show that any intertwining

order isomorphism induces a quasi-homeomorphism between the

underlying spaces. In the geometric setting we deal with both

regular Dirichlet forms as well as resistance forms and essentially

show that the geometry defined by these  forms  is preserved by

intertwining  order isomorphisms. In particular, we prove in the

strongly local regular case that intertwining order isomorphisms

induce isometries with respect to the intrinsic metrics between the

underlying spaces under fairly mild assumptions. This applies to a

wide variety of metric measure spaces including

\(\mathrm{RCD}(K,N)\)-spaces, complete weighted Riemannian manifolds

and  complete quantum graphs. In the non-local regular case our

results cover  in particular graphs as well as fractional Laplacians

as arising in the treatment of \(\alpha\)-stable Lévy processes. For

resistance forms we show that intertwining order isomorphisms are

isometries with respect to the resistance metrics.


Our results can can be understood as saying that  diffusion always

determines the Hilbert space, and -- under natural compatibility

assumptions  -- the topology and the geometry respectively. As special

instances they cover earlier results for manifolds and graphs.


Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces

We study topological Poincaré type inequalities on generalgraphs. We characterize graphs satisfying such inequalities and then turn to the best constants in these inequalities. Invoking suitable metrics we can interpret these constants geometrically as diameters and inradii. Moreover, we can relate them to spectral theory ofLaplacians once a probability measure on the graph is chosen. More specifically,we obtain a variational characterization of these constants as infimum over spectral gaps of all Laplacians on the graphs associated to probability measures.


Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces

We construct $\eta$- and $\rho$-invariants for Dirac operators, on the universal covering of a closed manifold, that are invariant under the projective action associated to a 2-cocycle of the fundamental group. We prove an Atiyah–Patodi–Singer index theorem in this setting, as well as its higher generalisation. Applications concern the classification of positive scalar curvature metrics on closed spin manifolds. We also investigate the properties of these twisted invariants for the signature operator and the relation to the higher invariants.


JournalMath. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc.
PublisherCambridge University Press
VolumeAugust 2018
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Related project(s):
4Secondary invariants for foliations

For a closed, connected direct product Riemannian manifold (M,g)=(M1×⋯×Ml,g1⊕⋯⊕gl), we define its multiconformal class [[g]] as the totality {f12g1⊕⋯⊕fl2gl} of all Riemannian metrics obtained from multiplying the metric gi of each factor Mi by a function fi2>0 on the total space M. A multiconformal class [[g]] contains not only all warped product type deformations of g but also the whole conformal class [g~] of every g~∈[[g]]. In this article, we prove that [[g]] carries a metric of positive scalar curvature if and only if the conformal class of some factor (Mi,gi) does, under the technical assumption dimMi≥2. We also show that, even in the case where every factor (Mi,gi) has positive scalar curvature, [[g]] carries a metric of scalar curvature constantly equal to −1 and with arbitrarily large volume, provided l≥2 and dimM≥3. In this case, such negative scalar curvature metrics within [[g]] for l=2 cannot be of any warped product type.


Related project(s):
15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds

We study the behavior of the spectrum of the Dirac operator together with a symmetric W1,∞-potential on a collapsing sequence of spin manifolds with bounded sectional curvature and diameter losing one dimension in the limit. If there is an induced spin or pin− structure on the limit space N, then there are eigenvalues that converge to the spectrum of a first order differential operator D on N together with a symmetric W1,∞-potential. In the case of an orientable limit space N, D is the spin Dirac operator DN on N if the dimension of the limit space is even and if the dimension of the limit space is odd, then D=DN⊕−DN.


JournalManuscripta Mathematica
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Related project(s):
5Index theory on Lorentzian manifolds

We consider pseudodifferential operators of tensor product type, also called bisingular pseudodifferential operators, which are defined on the product manifold $M_1 \times M_2$ for closed manifolds $M_1$ and $M_2$. We prove a topological index theorem for Fredholm operators of tensor product type. To this end we construct a suitable double deformation groupoid and prove a Poincaré duality type result in relative $K$-theory.


Related project(s):
3Geometric operators on a class of manifolds with bounded geometry

We extend two known existence results to simply connected manifolds with

positive sectional curvature: we show that there exist pairs of simply

connected positively-curved manifolds that are tangentially homotopy equivalent

but not homeomorphic, and we deduce that an open manifold may admit a pair of

non-homeomorphic simply connected and positively-curved souls. Examples of such

pairs are given by explicit pairs of Eschenburg spaces. To deduce the second

statement from the first, we extend our earlier work on the stable converse

soul question and show that it has a positive answer for a class of spaces that

includes all Eschenburg spaces.


JournalMathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Link to preprint version

Related project(s):
15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds

The Bartnik mass is a quasi-local mass tailored to asymptotically flat Riemannian manifolds with non-negative scalar curvature. From the perspective of general relativity, these model time-symmetric domains obeying the dominant energy condition without a cosmological constant. There is a natural analogue of the Bartnik mass for asymptotically hyperbolic Riemannian manifolds with a negative lower bound on scalar curvature which model time-symmetric domains obeying the dominant energy condition in the presence of a negative cosmological constant. Following the ideas of Mantoulidis and Schoen [2016], of Miao and Xie [2016], and of joint work of Miao and the authors [2017], we construct asymptotically hyperbolic extensions of minimal and constant mean curvature (CMC) Bartnik data while controlling the total mass of the extensions. We establish that for minimal surfaces satisfying a stability condition, the Bartnik mass is bounded above by the conjectured lower bound coming from the asymptotically hyperbolic Riemannian Penrose inequality. We also obtain estimates for such a hyperbolic Bartnik mass of CMC surfaces with positive Gaussian curvature.


JournalJ. Geom. Phys.
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Related project(s):
5Index theory on Lorentzian manifolds

In this paper we first introduce quermassintegrals for free boundary hypersurfaces in the (n+1)-dimensional Euclidean unit ball. Then we solve some related isoperimetric type problems for convex free boundary hypersurfaces, which lead to new Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities. In particular, for n=2 we obtain a Minkowski-type inequality and for n=3 we obtain an optimal Willmore-type inequality. To prove these estimates, we employ a specifically designed locally constrained inverse harmonic mean curvature flow with free boundary.


Related project(s):
22Willmore functional and Lagrangian surfaces

In this paper, by providing the uniform gradient estimates for approximating equations, we prove the existence, uniqueness and regularity of conical parabolic complex Monge-Ampère equation with weak initial data. As an application, we obtain a regularity estimate, that is, any $L^{\infty}$-solution of the conical complex Monge-Ampère equation admits the $C^{2,\alpha,\beta}$-regularity.


JournalCalculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
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Related project(s):
31Solutions to Ricci flow whose scalar curvature is bounded in Lp.

Given two weighted graphs $(X,b_k,m_k)$, $k=1,2$ with $b_1\sim b_2$ and $m_1\sim m_2$, we prove a weighted $L^1$-criterion for the existence and completeness of the wave operators $W_{\pm}(H_{2},H_1, I_{1,2})$, where $H_k$ denotes the natural Laplacian in $\ell^2(X,m_k)$ w.r.t. $(X,b_k,m_k)$ and $I_{1,2}$ the trivial identification of $\ell^2(X,m_1)$ with $\ell^2(X,m_2)$. In particular, this entails a general criterion for the absolutely continuous spectra of $H_1$ and $H_2$ to be equal.


JournalMath. Phys. Anal. Geom.
Link to preprint version

Related project(s):
19Boundaries, Greens formulae and harmonic functions for graphs and Dirichlet spaces

We define a Toledo number for actions of surface groups and complex hyperbolic lattices on infinite dimensional Hermitian symmetric spaces, which allows us to define maximal representations. When the target is not of tube type we show that there cannot be Zariski-dense maximal representations, and whenever the existence of a boundary map can be guaranteed, the representation preserves a finite dimensional totally geodesic subspace on which the action is maximal. In the opposite direction we construct examples of geometrically dense maximal representation in the infinite dimensional Hermitian symmetric space of tube type and finite rank. Our approach is based on the study of boundary maps, that we are able to construct in low ranks or under some suitable Zariski-density assumption, circumventing the lack of local compactness in the infinite dimensional setting.


Related project(s):
28Rigidity, deformations and limits of maximal representations

Manifolds all of whose geodesics are closed have been studied a lot, but there are only few examples known. The situation is different if one allows in addition for orbifold singularities. We show, nevertheless, that the abundance of new examples is restricted to even dimensions. As one key ingredient we provide a characterization of orientable manifolds among orientable orbifolds in terms of characteristic classes.


Related project(s):
15Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Curvature Bounds on compact and non-compact Manifolds

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