
News for SPP2026

This site presents some material which may be of interest to visitors of our web site. It covers news related to the priority programme as well as topics of a more general mathematical or scientific nature. If you wish something to be included here, just send us an e-mail (hanke(at)

Ph.D. positions in Karlsruhe

Ph.D. positions in Karlsruhe

ERC Starting Grant

We congratulate our SPP member Giles Gardam from the University of Münster on receiving an ERC Starting Grant for his project "Satisfiability and…

Postdoc in Geometric Analysis and Differential Geometry at KIT

The position offered is for, at the most, three years. The starting date is flexible, but should be between spring and fall 2023. Last application…

Upcoming Ph.D. or postdoctoral position in Kiel

The algebra group of CAU Kiel raised DFG funds that will allow to fill one PhD position for three years or one postdoctoral researcher position for…

Ph.D. position in Magdeburg

There is an open Ph.D. position in geometric analysis, metric geometry, differential geometry or a related field, beginning (earliest date) October…

Several PhD positions in Göttingen

At the mathematical institute of the university of Göttingen several PhD positions are available. Deadline for applications is 19 July 2022!

Full Professorship (W3) in Pure Mathematics in Greifswald

The University of Greifswald's Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is seeking candidates for the position of "Professor" of Pure Mathematics…

Ph.D. position in Greifswald

In the SPP project "Macroscopic invariants of manifolds" a PhD position (50% E13, 3 years) is available at the University of Greifswald starting…

Ph.D. position in Mathematical Physics and Geometric Singular Analysis in Oldenburg

The Institute of Mathematics at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg, invites applications for a Ph.D. position for a period of three years…

ICM 2022 Geometry and Topology Section in Copenhagen

The official ICM 2022 has been reorganised as an online event. Some of the talks will be hosted real life in Copenhagen in an attempt to salvage, on a…

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