
Several PhD positions in Regensburg

We announce a couple of PhD positions at the SFB/CRC Higher Invariants in Regensburg, which includes two associated principal investigators in Munich and Essen. The SFB was recently extended, and we seek for applications until Feb 28th.

In particular there are open PhD positions in the project B09 Index Theory on Submanifold Complements (Ammann-Bunke-Ludewig) which has many connections to subjects within the SPP.

For details we refer to the official announcement
Interested candidates should preferably contact one of the prospective advisers in advance. To apply, please send (until Feb 28th) your application including cv and research statement to: sfb-higher-invariants(at)

We particularly encourage female candidates to apply. The CRC provides an open and creative scientific environment. As part of the Universities of Regensburg, Essen, and TU Munich, it offers a variety of measures for improving work-life balance, dual career service, child care, and a mentoring program. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


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