
Postdoc position at FernUniversität in Hagen

The FernUniversität in Hagen, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, invites applications for a postdoc position in group theory and topology in the research group of Jun.-Prof. Steffen Kionke. It is a fixed term research position for 18 months in the project "Profinite perspectives on l2-cohomology" within the priority programme "Geometry at Infinity". The position offers the opportunity to engage in collaborations within the priority programme.

Applicants are expected to be interested in one of the following research areas:

- Group theory (e.g. profinite groups, geometric group theory, arithmetic groups)

- Algebraic topology (in particular, L2-invariants)

The deadline for applications is Sunday, 8th of August 2021. The prefered starting date is November 2021.

An official job advertisement and a link to the application form is available here (and by clicking on the image on the right):

For further inqueries please contact: steffen.kionke(at)


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