
Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

Virtual seminar on scalar curvature geometry and related topics

Twice a month we will have a pair of talks: an introductory colloquium and a related seminar on a recent advance in geometry. Not all the talks will concern scalar curvature but perhaps many will. The pair of talks will be followed by a discussion both in person and online. Everyone is welcome to join the session live or watch the recorded videos of the talks later (IHES channel).

Organizers: Misha Gromov (CIMS and IHES), Bernhard Hanke (University of Augsburg), Christina Sormani (CUNYGC and Lehman) and Guoliang Yu (Texas A&M).

The seminar will be held on Friday at 9:00 EST. 

Seminar website 

IHES Youtube Channel Info


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