
News for SPP2026

This site presents some material which may be of interest to visitors of our web site. It covers news related to the priority programme as well as topics of a more general mathematical or scientific nature. If you wish something to be included here, just send us an e-mail (hanke(at)

CAPES thesis prize and Gutierrez Prize for SPP-member Leonardo Cavenaghi

Leonardo Cavenaghi has received the CAPES thesis prize for the best thesis in Probability/Mathematics and Statistics and the Gutierrez Prize for the…

Doctoral researcher position in Analysis in Bremen

The Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Bremen is looking to hire a doctoral researcher (f/m/d) in the group "Analysis" beginning April 1,…

Part-time vacancy in Differential Geometry in Antwerp

The Department of Mathematics in the Faculty of Sciences has the following part-time (10%) vacancy: Senior academic staff in the field of differential…

Professorship in Mathematics in Regensburg (W3)

The Faculty of Mathematics of University of Regensburg invites applications for the position of Full Professor (W3) starting as soon as possible.

Professorship in Geometry / Topology in Bielefeld (W2)

The Faculty of Mathematics of Bielefeld University invites applications for the position of Professor (W2) of Mathematics, in particular Geometry /…

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position in Mathematics at the University of Aberdeen

The University of Aberdeen is advertising a permanent Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position in Mathematics, particularly from algebra understood in the…

Postdoc position at the University of Greifswald

We are looking for a substitute for a postdoc on parental leave. The position is at T-VL E13 level, with 4 hours of teaching, in the period of Oct 1,…

Postdoc position at FernUniversität in Hagen

The FernUniversität in Hagen, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, invites applications for a postdoc position in group theory and topology in…

Postdoc position in topology at KIT

We invite applications for a 3-year postdoc position as a research assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology…

Kick-off meeting

The Kick-Off Meeting for the second SPP funding period will take place on 19 and 20 November 2021.

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