to 06/10/2023
Women in Automorphic Forms (WIAF)


The WIAF conference highlights recent, excellent developments on automorphic forms in all aspects. These forms and functions are intimately related to the geometry at infinity of symmetric spaces. And hence they are of utmost interest in several projects within the SPP 2026. With the WIAF conference we bring together young researchers with excellent senior researchers in order to foster communications of new results and to identify fascinating new directions of further research on automorphic forms and their applications. This conference is specially, but not exclusively, addressed to female mathematicians.

Registration is without a free but mandatory. 

Plenary speakers: Paloma Bengoechea (U Barcelona), Annika Burmester (U Hamburg), Claire Burrin (U Zürich), Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen (U Helsinki), Özlem Imamoglu (ETH Zürich), Katharina Jochemko (KTH Stockholm), Maryna Viazovska (EPFL; TBC), Marie-France Vigneras (IMJ-PRG Paris), Katrin Wendland (U Dublin)

Organizers: Claudia Alfes-Neumann (U Bielefeld), Anna von Pippich (U Konstanz), Anke Pohl (U Bremen)

For further information please refer to our webpage:

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