to 17/03/2020
(This event has been cancelled) Frankfurt Airport Seminar on Groups, Geometry and Dynamics March 2020


Dozens of international mathematicians travel through Frankfurt International Airport every week. The surrounding Rhein-Main area hosts several universities with research-oriented math departments, which are the home of several active research groups in the broad area of group theory, geometry and dynamics.

The goal of this seminar series is to bring these two groups of people together. A particular focus is to connect local mathematicians, both young and established, with international visitors in order to learn from them and from each other.

The thematic focus of the conference series is on geometric, analytic and ergodic theoretical aspects of groups and their actions, but the conferences aim to explore also related areas of mathematics from representation theory and harmonic analysis over differential and metric geometry to topology, algebraic geometry and model theory, as well as to set a spotlight on newly emerging areas.

International mathematicians travelling through the Rhein-Main area (or their hosts) are welcome to contact the organizers to schedule a talk. We would also like to provide opportunities for young mathematicians to present their work; those are welcome to contact us as well.

The seminar takes place as the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), which is in close proximity to Frankfurt International Airport. It is currently organized by Tobias.Hartnick from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Ralf Köhl from Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.

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