to 10/03/2023
Interdisciplinary junior scientist workshop: Mathematical General Relativity


This two week workshop in Mathematical General Relativity taking place from February 27th to March 10th in Wildberg, Germany, is aimed at young researchers such as postdocs, doctoral and masters students with a background in General Relativity and in PDE Theory, Differential Geometry, or Classical Mechanics and with an interest in interdisciplinary exchange between mathematicians and physicists.



Interdisciplinary mini lecture series with exercise sessions by

Prof. Dr. Stefan Czimek, Universität Leipzig
Characteristic gluing for the Einstein equations

Prof. Dr. Domenico Giulini, Universität Hannover
Hamiltonian General Relativity

Dr. Thomas Körber, Universität Wien
Geometric Foliations in General Relativity

Prof. Dr. Anna Sakovich, Uppsala Universitet
Asymptotically hyperbolic positive mass theorems.


Contributed talks by participants of the workshop with individual feedback by lecturers and other participants


Evening lecture on gravitational waves

Prof. Dr. Kostas Kokkotas, Universität Tübingen


Workshops on Funding and Science Communication & Videocollage on General Relativity



For more information see

Organizers: Carla Cederbaum (Universität Tübingen), Melanie Graf (Universität Potsdam), Jan Metzger (Universität Potsdam)

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