to 23/09/2022
Global Analysis on Manifolds


The conference is focused on research topics related to the scientific work of Christian Bär, and takes place in Freiburg, Germany, shortly after his 60th birthday.

The speakers are:

Lars Andersson (AEI Potsdam)
Dorothea Bahns (Göttingen)
Werner Ballmann (Bonn)
Gilles Carron (Nantes)
Mattias Dahl (KTH Stockholm)
Chris Fewster (York)
Klaus Fredenhagen (Hamburg)
Nadine Große (Freiburg)
Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)
Gerhard Huisken (Tübingen/MFO)
Thomas Leistner (Adelaide)
Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Uppsala)
Matthias Ludewig (Regensburg)
Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford)
Sylvie Paycha (Potsdam)
Paolo Piazza (Rome)
Dorothee Schüth (HU Berlin)
Alexander Strohmaier (Leeds)
Roger Tagne Wafo (Douala)

The conference is organized by:

Bernd Ammann (Regensburg)
Lashi Bandara (Brunel Univ. London)
Sebastian Goette (Freiburg)
Klaus Kröncke (KTH Stockholm)

For further information see the webpage From this webpage, you can also download the poster, and we would be happy if you print it out.
If you are interested in participating, please send an email to as described on the webpage.

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