to 10/08/2019
Geometry and Approximation 2019


Geometry and Approximation 05-10 August 2019


The meeting plans to bring together experts in various fields working on the general scheme of approximation of infinite geometric or algebraic structures by finitary objects. Cases of this general approach appear in Ramsey theory, coarse geometry, geometric group theory, the theory of operator algebras and ergodic theory. The aim is to bring together experts from various fields in order to benefit from contact and interaction between the topics.

Some of the confirmed speakers are: Kate Juschenko, Narutaka Ozawa, Roman Sauer, Rufus Willett, Moklós Abért, David Kerr, Gábor Elek, Jesse Peterson, Tatiana Nagnibeda, Ana Khukro, Nikolay Nikolov.

The local organizers are Vadim Alekseev, Rahel Brugger, Philip Dowerk, Alessandro Carderi, Maxime Gheysens, Leonardo Biz and Andreas Thom.


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