to 17/06/2022
EWM/EMS Summer School "The Cauchy Problem in General Relativity"


The Cauchy problem in general relativity is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary field that lies at the crossroads of geometric analysis, the analysis of PDEs and mathematical physics. This Summer School will feature three mini-courses by Annegret Burtscher (Radboud University), Gustav Holzegel (Imperial College London and University of Münster), and Lan-Hsuan Huang (University of Connecticut), introducing the Einstein equations of general relativity as an initial value problem and focusing both on the properties of initial data and on the evolutionary aspects of the problem such as stability and formation of singularities. Additionally, there will be talks by participants and working seminars where recent papers constituting major advancements in the field will be discussed. The aim of the summer school is to provide a stimulating environment allowing participants not only to learn from the leading experts in the field of mathematical general relativity but also to meet new colleagues ranging from PhD students to established mathematicians.


Melanie Graf
University of Tübingen

Anna Sakovich
Uppsala University

Zoe Wyatt
King's College London

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