to 01/07/2017
Analysis and Topology in Interaction 2017


Topology and Analysis had and have numerous fruitful points of contact and mutual application. These will be explored further at the conference, in particular in: bordism theory, spectral geometry, surgery theory, higher homotopy theory, singular and foliated spaces, (large scale) index theory of elliptic operators.

Beside about 20 talks, there will be ample time and opportunity for discussions. 

Cortona is a beautiful town in the Tuscan hills; the conference will be held in "Il Palazzone", a renaissance villa owned by the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. In the early summer this is the perfect stimulating environment to concentrate on mathematics in general and the interaction of analysis and topology in particular.

More information is to be found at the conference website

Abstracts of the Talks:

PDF of the Program:

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